Muslim which constitutes the second largest religion of the world has its own beliefs and traditions which are according to the strict rules and regulations. One of the religions which is known for keeping a huge traditional value and the entire lifestyle revolves round the holy Quran, power of Allah the Supreme and also the religious maulvis or ulemas who put the best in efforts to preach as many people so that the religion should spread far and wide.
The religion which keeps more authority over the women and whether it is about the Arabs or the people who belong to African origin and also a considerable population in the Asian region and the only thing which can be said about this particular religious practice and belief is that they do not try to get into other sects for marriage nut try to find out the bride and the grooms within their close knit family.
Once the concerned family asks for the marriage and the proposal gets fixed they find it easy to get into the marriage affairs and also reach to the maulvis to finalize the date. The maulvis took out the date according to the wishes of the family and further the ceremony of exchanging sweets and traditional clothes takes place. Also, the family comes near to each other and the various get together are performed.
In this way one could find that although there is not too much of pomp and show but more emphasis is on food which can be called a great thing as food is the most traditional way to reach each other and provide happiness. The other thing which can be called logical behind the marriage is that “nikahnama” is prepared and there is more emphasis on taking the girls consent. Also, the mehar which is just like dowry Is not provided to guys but it is provided to the lady who is getting married.
With this one could say that traditional Muslim marriage has given more freedom to women and the social evils are less in this religion. In this way one could feel that the Muslims are a step ahead and they have strict norms in terms of talaq which has also become a part of debate these days in forms of Triple talaq. So, to understand the Muslim marriage rules it could be stated that they keep themselves devoid of any issues and try to have a social structure which is transparent and full of good practices.